Friday, March 21, 2008

Tips for Mentors on Discussing Sexuality with Mentees

Hi Mentors,

I just finished editing (after scanning) a great document that a mentor passed along to me. This mentor had attended the training in February on sexuality that was put on by Planned Parenthood. I know some of you were fortunate to have been there for this great training, but for those who didn't get to go, I have this great list of tips for delving into this topic with your mentee. Please let me know if I can forward a copy of it to you.

This same mentor also reminded me of a really amazing book that she and her mentee had decided to pick up: Our Bodies, Ourselves by Boston Women's Health Book Collective.

This has something for EVERYONE and is a great, no-nonsense approach to learning about our bodies. Teens so need this information as they go through the inevitable changes of adolescence. Also, there is a lot for most any adult to learn as well.

I wish you all a very blessed Easter and/or Passover season!


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