Friday, March 14, 2008

It's March...Where's Spring?

Hello Mentors!
As the title of this post will indicate, I'm just a bit antsy for spring. I can just feel the little extra warmth in the sunshine so I know it's coming, but I'm pretty impatient for it. I bet you all are feeling the same way. After this terribly long winter, my guess is that you're eager to get outside to do stuff with your mentees. I think if we all keep the faith for spring, we might just be able to coax it along a little more quickly.
We've been working on some new evaluative criteria for our mentoring program. Consultant Trine Bech is taking our program through the Results Based Accountability model. I encourage all of you to check this link to her website for more information:

Some of what will change for you as mentors is that we hope to have all of the 6 month evaluations done online with Survey Monkey. This will be pretty easy to accomplish with mentors as you all have access to computers. It will be trickier with the kids so I will be enlisting help from all of you to get your mentee to a computer if they can't access one any other way. Between public computer labs, your personal computer and my office, I think we'll be able to reach everyone to get the surveys done. Something else that will change are the questions on the surveys. There will less than 10 questions (I think the kids will have 4) on these surveys and my hope is that they will ask for meaningful information that is easily answered.

I'd love to hear any comments any of you may have about this so please feel free to share them.

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