Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Match of the Month for August: Lisa Jacques and Heather

For the month of August, we are so pleased to honor Lisa Jacques and her mentee, Heather, for match of the month. On July 12th, this pair celebrated their first anniversary of being matched!


Having benefited from mentors in her own life and seeing our program’s recruitment ad in a Fletcher Allen newsletter, Lisa decided to apply to be a mentor with Spectrum. With two teenage daughters of her own as well as having gone through her own struggles as a young person, Lisa felt uniquely qualified to provide guidance to another young woman.
Heather was working with another Spectrum program when she learned about the mentoring program. She hoped to be matched with someone fun who liked the things that she liked—swimming, movies, bowling and animals. Being a fairly active young person, she was a good match with Lisa.
Since being matched, Lisa and Heather have enjoyed going out to eat together, having their nails done, visiting pet stores, swimming and seeing movies. Heather has even begun taking classes to become a veterinary assistant. She says of Lisa, “we have things in common that we like to do.” Lisa enjoys Heather’s chattiness when they spend time together.

CONGRATULATIONS again on being matched for one year!

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