Monday, June 30, 2008

July Match of the Month: Robyn Stattel and Amanda

For the month of July, we are so pleased to honor Robyn Stattel and her mentee, Amanda, for match of the month. On July 2nd, this pair will celebrate their first anniversary of being matched!


Having had experience working in schools with young people in the past, Robyn knew she enjoyed assisting this population. She also knew how stressful it can be. She deciding mentoring would be the perfect way for her to be involved with youth without the demand of a full-time position in the field. “With mentoring, it’s all the good without the bad of being in a school situation (like punishment),” Robyn stated during the matching process. On her application, Robyn wrote that she remembers being a teenager and that with her care and patience she could assist another young girl with this difficult stage of life.
Amanda was referred to mentoring by her counselor who felt that she could benefit from a positive role model as well as from having the opportunity to get assistance with career planning. Amanda stated that she had a mentor as a youngster and that it was a “great experience”—she definitely looked forward to having a mentor again.
Since being matched, Robyn and Amanda have spent a lot of time together walking, talking and going out for pizza. On one of their early outings, Robyn’s car broke down and the pair was forced to walk quite a distance in order to get help. Robyn wrote, “…we put one of my dogs on a leash and we traded off carrying my other dog back into Burlington! She was great…”
Amanda is pretty quiet when asked about her mentor, but she gets a little grin on her face and says simply, “she’s awesome.”
CONGRATULATIONS again on being matched for one year!

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