Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Here's What's Happening

Just a quick note to let you know some of what is going on.

  • Our next new mentor training is scheduled for Monday, June 9th and I've invited 15 people to it. I doubt that I will be training that many folks, but we definitely have a steady stream of mentor applicants. This is a little unusual as we come into the summer months--a notoriously slow time in the world of volunteer management.
  • Plans are well underway for the BBQ scheduled for July 11th. We hope that everyone enjoys all of the changes that we're planning for it. :)
  • I will be out of the office June 11, 12 and 13 as my family transitions from school to summer vacation. After that, my in-office schedule will be varied from week to week as I'll be at the mercy of summer camp start and end times. As a rule, I'll be in the office at least from 9:15 until 3:45 but many weeks will have me in the office longer hours than this.
  • The mentoring program is now fully on board with using a new data keeping system and will be measuring program success a bit differently as a result. I thank all mentors and kids who have so quickly filled out the annual evaluation as required by a particular grant we receive. Spectrum will be adding a new online evaluation for both mentors and mentees and we plan to execute this bi-annually in October and April.

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