Tuesday, April 22, 2008

VT's Working With Youth Conference

I was fortunate to be able to attend this conference this past Friday. One of the workshops I attended was on Life Coaching and I found it to be very useful for mentoring. One of Jo Romano's staff presented on the topic and ran a very interactive discussion of the principles of life coaching. If you'd like to learn more about Jo and her program, the website is www.greenmountainlifecoach.com.
Very briefly, some of the principles we went over were:
  • Hearing Without Reacting
  • Connecting with your Client (mentee)
  • Reflecting Back
  • Responding
  • Tuning In
  • Being Fully Present
  • Letting go of Ego, Truth, Attachment and Judgment

I was excited about incorporating some of what I learned into our new mentor training as it really speaks well to the process of mentoring.

I'm happy to share more of what I learned so feel free to ask for a copy of the materials I received.

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